Guitar Hero: Aeroshit

Put in Guitar Hero: Aerosmith for the first time at 6:30 pm tonight. Played for an hour and half or so. Got bored (and I play on expert) because, wouldn't you know it, Aerosmith sucks.

Went to work on some paperwork, watched Superbad with my roommate Thomas (who got 100% on the first 5 songs on hard so he switched to expert and was still bored like me). Went to get some pizza. Ate the pizza. Watched some comedy, then started playing again at 2am when everyone went to bed. Beat it about 15 minutes ago so that makes it, lemme see, approximately 4 hours of gameplay at the very most.

Now that's only one play through on Career without any bonus songs or other diffuculties or playing online for that matter. But the general consesus, its just Guitar Hero III for Aerosmith fanatics.

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